List Your Home for 1% Don't Pay Commission Fees of the Past! List your home for 1%. The Internet has changed the game when it comes to selling and marketing homes. Don't pay commission fees of the past. Online marketing costs are significantly less than traditional real estate marketing and it is far less time consuming. The Sales Team and Platinum Real Estate Professionals want to pass these savings on to you. List your home for 1% and put more money in your pocket at closing. Many … [Read more...]
Moving from California to Las Vegas
Moving from California to Las Vegas Are you considering moving from California to Las Vegas? Many Californians are packing their bags simply because they can not afford to live in the Golden State. Las Vegas has become a popular choice due to it's location, housing market, economy and relatively low cost of living. In this blog we will give you the pros of moving from California to Las Vegas. Below we have compiled a list of homes for sale in Henderson, NV. We would be happy to … [Read more...]